
The Commission was recognized to comprehend the nature of redundancyand what could be done to decrease it to the lowest likely level and to keep it there, while creation employment meaningful and pleasant for all. The Commission transported together local companies, public services, the voluntary subdivision and inhabitants to shine a bright light on service and understand how we can work better composed to bring about affected and long-lasting change.

The findings of the command were published in a report which set out our dream for employment in Islington, what wants to change and how we can get there, by working better composed. Our ambition is to ensure that everybody is given the help that they need to get the job and vocation they want, merit and that they will eventually enjoy.

It has now completed its main indication meeting on the current scheme and the chances and challenges for the upcoming. This included a major Call for Indication that received about one hundred replies; twenty conversation events, workshops and emphasis groups; and an wide appraisal of the works about ‘what works’ in service provision.